Through an evaluation of your current diet and health goals I help create a personalized plan for you to optimize both your health and performance. We will cover meal preparation, travel and work nutrition, understanding food labels and ingredients, and more.

Areas of Expertise

Performance Nutrition

I help you adjust your nutrition to maximize your time in the gym every day and in your next competition. We’ll cover pre, post and during training nutrition and hydration. Which vitamin, mineral and sports nutrition supplements to keep and which to ones to toss. Along with eating and hydration strategies for optimal recovery. 

    Weight Management

    Your weight loss journey does not have to be daunting. My mission is to empower you not only to shed those pounds but also to maintain your hard-earned progress. We go beyond fad diets to find a strategy that works with your lifestyle, making behavior adjustments that will help you keep the weight off for good.



    60-Minute Initial Consultation

    In the first assessment we’ll discuss your goals, diet history, current eating behaviors, fueling around training, fueling for competition, and much more!

    Two Monthly 45-Minute Follow-Up Appointments

    We’ll meet virtually every other week. Each follow-up will have a topic of focus, discussion of the weekly action steps to reach your goals, and handouts to support you between sessions.

    Food journal reviews

    During sessions with personalized suggestions


    Educational Handouts & Worksheets

    To implement our work between sessions. After each session you’ll get an email summarizing the focus of day’s session along with educational handouts to help apply the weekly action steps.

    Unlimited Email Support

    As you apply the concepts we discuss in our sessions, you’ll have unlimited email support for any questions that come up.

    Ready to get started?

    Contact me today and let's begin your journey.

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